- Because medical procedures of any sort affect the patient only, will pursue legislation that enshrines the medical relationship to be between patient and qualified medical staff only, unless the patient expressly agrees for their medical records to be shared. This precludes parents, spouses or children from receiving any information about treatments or procedures an individual may have unless the patient specifically agrees.
- Abortion is a personal decision that has no effect on anyone apart from the individual who may need to receive it. Pursue federal legislation to enshring this freedom as a right conferred by the Federal Government, not one to be decided by the States.
- Similarly, treatment for Gender Dysphoria is a personal decision affecting the patient only. No federal agency, state government, or corporation shall be able to discriminate against a person based on how they have decided to treat this. The only limitations shall be imposition of a waiting period before hormonal or surgical treatments shall be offered. This waiting period will be figured out following consultations with the American Medical Association and American Psychiatric Association
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