Author: hiremein2026
Increase the Federal minimum wage and index it to inflation
It’s outrageous that the amount paid to our nations most vulnerable and essential workers has not kept up with inflation.
Roads and Bridges
Roads all around Massachusetts are deteriorating. Poor road maintenance plays a role, but so does Mother Nature. Another issue is that the lions share of funding for roads and bridges gets spent in Boston, rather than being spread more evenly throughout the Commonwealth. Will seek to procure federal funding for both materials and to hire…
Death with dignity
When our beloved family pet gets stricken ill, veterinarians are able to put them to sleep. However, when we ourselves are stricken with catastrophic illness, our choices are either to endure a never ending series of treatments or to abstain from any treatment and be kept in comfort with pain killers for however long it…
Tax incentives to encourage future generations of qualified teachers
Unfortunately, teaching is one of the most thankless professions. Low pay, high student to teach ratio, and lack of resources plague school districts across the country. In order to encourage qualified people to enter the field of K-12 education: Federal Tax break for teachers (with minimum of bachelors degree) and to teaching assistants who are…
Access to voting in Federal Elections
Require that states provide uniform access to voting stations throughout their jurisdiction. Each voting machine should serve roughly the same number of people – this means installing machines where they are needed. The only way that long lines in rural areas should be acceptable is if urban voters are faced with those same lines (and…
National Voter ID
To address concerns about the lack of voter ID in some jurisdictions, enact a Voter ID requirement in order to vote in any federal election At the same time, create a National Voter ID card, available for free for citizens who do not possess a valid state-issued identification card. The cards can be applied for…
Establish diplomatic relations with ALL countries
In order to achieve a just, prosperous and peaceful world, we need to be able to engage in meaningful, direct dialogue with all of the countries in the world. Diplomatic relations should not be used as a reward for countries who bend to our will, it is just as important (if not more important) to…
Reaffirm our commitment to the international community
Reaffirm our commitment to working with the international order, including to working with the United Nations, NATO, World Health Organization, and International Criminal Courts, adhering with Paris Climate Accords, and entering into new, verifiable arms control treaties.
Encourage real estate developers to focus on affordable homes in order to expand home ownership
The United States has an extreme shortage of starter homes. Real estate developers have essentially abandoned the market for starter homes, preferring to build more expensive, more profitable homes instead. This is an area where tax policy can be used to “guide” developers in a new direction, in the form of providing a tax break…
Natural Resources on Federal Lands belong to the people
The United States has abundant natural resources which corporations have been able to exploit for their own benefit for far too long. They pay the US tax payers a pittance for the resources they extract, while charging those same tax payers more and more for their products. This needs to be addressed – the royalties…