Category: Corporate Governance
Protection of your personal data from exploitation by business
Big business should not have free and unfettered access to the private data of United States citizens or foreign nationals visiting on authorized visas. Private data means that data and metadata of an individual which was provided to, submitted to or collected by any other entity (corporation, partnership, etc). I would support legislation that makes…
Clearances required for all defense contractors.
In order to strengthen our supply chain against foreign interference, require background checks on any individual associated with a contractor who is working on classified or secret projects: Applies to any individual associated with the contractor, including subcontractors, who can reasonably be expected to have access to source code, compiled applications, blueprints, schematics, blueprints, manufacture,…
Increase the Federal minimum wage and index it to inflation
It’s outrageous that the amount paid to our nations most vulnerable and essential workers has not kept up with inflation.
Natural Resources on Federal Lands belong to the people
The United States has abundant natural resources which corporations have been able to exploit for their own benefit for far too long. They pay the US tax payers a pittance for the resources they extract, while charging those same tax payers more and more for their products. This needs to be addressed – the royalties…
Protect people from being exploited by corporations
Corporations are only accountable to their shareholders. One could say that they’re also accountable to state and federal laws, but it’s tough to argue that since they finance elections and even help draft legislation. The people that they are not accountable to are private citizens, who can do very little to influence corporate policy. The…
Eliminate financial benefit of stock buybacks
Until 1982, stock buybacks were actually illegal, considered a form of market manipulation, as companies could use cash on their balance sheets to support their stock price. Today, buybacks are viewed as a “tax-efficient method of returning value to shareholders”. Stock buybacks are nothing but financial engineering meant to return value to shareholders without causing…
Make Corporations finance the cost of paying their employees subsistence wages
Too many corporations are able to operate without paying for the true cost of the labor they employ. They pay their workers peanuts or strategically schedule them for just enough hours to remain below the full-time threshold, and therefore exempt from benefits. This behavior is awful for the employees who may need to work multiple…