Category: Family & Children
Encourage real estate developers to focus on affordable homes in order to expand home ownership
The United States has an extreme shortage of starter homes. Real estate developers have essentially abandoned the market for starter homes, preferring to build more expensive, more profitable homes instead. This is an area where tax policy can be used to “guide” developers in a new direction, in the form of providing a tax break…
Protection of Children
Federal laws to strengthen the protection of minors from sexual predators. Legal requirement to reach 18 years of age before consenting to marriage, unless the minor has become legally emancipated from their parents Until a minor reaches 18 years of age, they may only be able to provide legal sexual consent to a partner who…
Sanctity of Marriage
Define marriage as a legal union between two consenting adults. No person, business, or government should be able to dictate who gets married. Emphasize that because Marriage is an act that affects only the individuals involved, no State shall enact legislation that prevents two consenting adults from marrying, nor allow discrimination against any individual based…