Make Corporations finance the cost of paying their employees subsistence wages

Too many corporations are able to operate without paying for the true cost of the labor they employ. They pay their workers peanuts or strategically schedule them for just enough hours to remain below the full-time threshold, and therefore exempt from benefits.

This behavior is awful for the employees who may need to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet, but it also affects the rest of us. One the one hand, we are able to purchase products and services for cheaper prices, but on the other hand, WE have to cover the benefits the employers did not provide their employees.

Not enough hours to afford food for yourself and your kids? You wind up on food assistance programs that are paid for by the public.

Not enough hours to afford your rent? You wind up in section-8 subsidized housing which, again, the public winds up paying for.

Not enough hours to afford health insurance? You wind up on Medicaid, paid for by the public.

Not only do all corporations need to pay their fair share, the corporations that make enormous profits off of low-wage workers in particular need to pay more in order to help fund the public benefits that their employees receive in lieu of ample compensation.


Increase corporate tax rate to 50%. Corporations can quality for deductions down to a maximum rate of 35% based on percentage of full-time employees who are paid enough to not require safety nets paid for Federal or State.


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