Protect people from being exploited by corporations

Corporations are only accountable to their shareholders. One could say that they’re also accountable to state and federal laws, but it’s tough to argue that since they finance elections and even help draft legislation. The people that they are not accountable to are private citizens, who can do very little to influence corporate policy.

The Federal and State governments should be the voice of the citizens and should work to protect us from exploitation by corporations, not the corporations willing accomplices.

Therefore we need to support and strengthen the roles of:

The Department of Labor, whose role is to “administer federal labor laws to guarantee workers’ rights to fair, safe, and healthy working conditions, including minimum hourly wage and overtime pay, protection against employment discrimination, and unemployment insurance”

The Food and Drug Administration we deserve to be able to eat food that is free of contaminants and to know that the risks of the drugs that are prescribed to us are accurately disclosed.

The Environmental Protection Agency insures that there are sane limits on the amounts of pollution that companies can release into the ground, water and atmosphere, requires those companies to clean up messes that they’ve created, or enables the EPA to perform the cleanup themselves and demand compensation from those companies. |


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