Medical Freedom

All citizens should have the freedom to receive medical treatment regardless of income level, genetic predisposition or other factors, without fear or financial ruin. When people obtain health insurance, they believe they are entering into a sacred pact, where they pay money into the system with the expectation that the insurance company will take care of them when it becomes their turn. Too often this is not the case.

  • Eliminate needless red tape: Insurance companies (public and private) should not be involved in making care decisions regarding patients. Their role should be to collect premiums and make disbursements as directed by the patients primary care provider.
  • Employers can let their employees choose between Single Payer option or Private Health Insurance, meaning that Private Health Insurance will need to compete against Singer Payer
  • Tax surchange imposed on employers based on number of part-time employees who do not qualify for benefits and therefore would wind up on the public plan by default.
  • Eventual goal of single-payer health care system, where private insurance can act as supplement to or even a competitor to that plan.


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