As the worlds two largest holders of Nuclear Weapons, the fact that the leadership of our country has been so at-odds with the leadership of Russia for decades now should be worrying not just to ourselves, but to every inhabitant on Earth.
We need to hold serious, open dialogue between ourselves and Russia at every level possible. This means between leaders, between embassies, between the peoples representatives, and even directly between our people.
Everyday Russians and everyday Americans must learn that the power games played by our countries leaderships is not reflective of what the general population wants and that no one wins by engaging in arguments and standoffs that ratchet up the threat of nuclear confrontation.
First and foremost we need to engage with Russia and return to a verifiable arms control and nuclear disarmament regiment. We both have enough nuclear weapons to destroy civilization many times over, when once should be more than enough. Unchecked proliferation of nuclear weapons increases the risk of them falling into the hands of organizations that want nothing more but to cause significant casualties against either of us, or other nations that they have grievances with.
We also need to engage with Russian leadership about the grievances that caused them to invade Ukraine and craft solutions that resolve their fears, while also providing assurances to Russia’s neighbors that they will not face another onslaught like the one that befell on Ukraine.
We need to realize that we are a single species living on the Planet Earth and stop engaging in tit-for-tat battles among ourselves. The sooner that we can do that, the sooner we can work together to elevate all of humanity.
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