Treaties and Agreements

Because the House of Representatives is the legislative body that is the closest to providing citizens with proportional representation, it seems natural that any agreement that binds the United States be executed by our duly elected representatives

  • Reaffirm our commitment to working with the international order, including to the United Nations, NATO, World Health Organization, International Criminal Courts, adherence to the Paris Agreement, etc.
  • Support legislation that grants the Speaker of the House of Representatives the power to execute and withdraw from treaties and other obligations, and removes this ability from the executive branch.
  • The duty of the President shall be to uphold any treaties and obligations that the Nation has entered into, and it will be an impeachable offense for a President to act contrary to any treaties, obligations or agreements that the country is bound to.
  • 60% vote required to enter into or exit from any legal agreement, partnership or treaty.


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